The Leadership Wheel worksheet is a simple but effective self-assessment along the eight dimensions of effective leadership. Just as a wheel is smooth when balanced, this tool allows you to better understand where the bumps occur in your leadership role. It will highlight areas of development. These are the...
The Future You worksheet leverages a technique professional athletes have been using for a hundred years: Visualization.
God designed us to automatically pursue a task once we make it an intention. This is known as the Zeigarnik Effect. Using this attached template, you will set a future state for your...
This six-minute video is about how to approach the CEO about a sensitive topic without undermining him. When a leadership team has come to an agreement about a project, and the details have been written and confirmed, and then the CEO independently changes the agreement on his own,...
Don’t you hate it when your department executive, or perhaps your customer, keeps adding more action items to an existing project while expecting you to complete it in the same time frame? Well, you can take action to not only manage this, but prevent it. In this...
At a 14,000-attendee Christian conference in St. Louis called REACH, 420 people came to this Saturday afternoon class to hear about Christian Executive Coaching in the workplace. The crowd was completely engaged for the 90-minute presentation, so much so that nearly 250 stayed for another 90 minutes to ask...
An unexpected lively crowd at the end of a Saturday at the New England Christian Conference made this presentation especially impactful. In this presentation I cover why having a Christ-like mindset at work may, at first, seem contradictory to a successful career. After all, aren’t Christians loathed in the...
A book made famous by Oprah Whinfrey, The Secret, promises us we can have all we could ever want just by thinking of it assertively and positively. Oh yeah, you have to do a few chants every morning too. Well, a national polling firm named Penn, Schoen, & Berland...
Life is filled with tasks, from the bygone days of doing chores at home to rooms of the company where you work today. We all have complex tasks that require planning and focused intention. For many of us this is not an enjoyable process. In fact, it's downright draining....
People often ask me what Christian Executive Coaching is all about. Some believe it's consulting, others mentorship and still others some form of psychology or philosophy. As it turns out, coaching is none of those. It is simply accelerated growth through a greater awareness of possibilities. Executive coaches help...
Having a process for managing your workload and overall achievement of performance objectives is crucial. This video discusses one such method, using a prioritization matrix based on Level of Effort and Impact. When we make the process practical, our minds are freed up to achieve all new...