The Client Tools Used Series:
This series of videos contains brief overviews of the tools I use with all clients. These videos are not available on YouTube and are designed for you, my treasured Members.
The Tool: 3-Step Centered Breathing
The higher up the chain of command you go, the more responsibility...
The Client Tools Used Series:
This series of videos contains brief overviews of the tools I use with all clients. These videos are not available on YouTube and are designed for you, my treasured Members.
The Tool: Anabolic vs Catabolic Energy
Using a metaphor from our metabolic pathways, this short video helps...
The usefulness of this tool is not in taking it once, although it will help you when you take it now, but taking it once per quarter. It's a a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being developed in 1989 by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at...
The Life Wheel worksheet is another simple but effective self-assessment along the eight dimensions of maintaining a balanced life, specifically in the framework of balancing with a professional career. Just as a wheel is smooth when balanced, this tool allows you to better understand where the bumps occur in...
At a 14,000-attendee Christian conference in St. Louis called REACH, 420 people came to this Saturday afternoon class to hear about Christian Executive Coaching in the workplace. The crowd was completely engaged for the 90-minute presentation, so much so that nearly 250 stayed for another 90 minutes to ask...
Life is filled with tasks, from the bygone days of doing chores at home to rooms of the company where you work today. We all have complex tasks that require planning and focused intention. For many of us this is not an enjoyable process. In fact, it's downright draining....
People often ask me what Christian Executive Coaching is all about. Some believe it's consulting, others mentorship and still others some form of psychology or philosophy. As it turns out, coaching is none of those. It is simply accelerated growth through a greater awareness of possibilities. Executive coaches help...
When navigating executive row, what we tell ourselves about each interaction will affect the outcome of that interaction. As we focus on our five Core Values, we live out the truth found in Romans 12:2 - being transformed by the renewing of our mind. With a right...