Thanks for keeping me on task. I feel happier and more balanced. I can now stick with it!

“My association with Shawn has been over the last several years and I consider him a man of great integrity. We have worked on various projects together and I have observed his great insight and teaching. He has the highest level of integrity and professionalism. So it is with the high recommendations I endorse Shawn and his work” –

“I will always value the skills I learned from Shawn during the years I worked with him. He set an unequaled example in dealing with difficult circumstances that taught me how to successfully solve problems from a different perspective”. –

“When it comes to motivational speakers, I love listening to Shawn. His presentations are enlightening, energetic, creative, funny and thought provoking. Few speakers have caused me to contemplate my thoughts, life and actions the way Shawn has. I look forward to any opportunities to hear him speak”. –

“Shawn possesses more than just business smarts, he has an understanding of humanity that enables him to speak into people lives in a way that motivates you to want more. It is not only with great respect but it is also an honor for me to recommend Shawn!” –

“Shawn has the perfect mix of energy and efficiency. A lot can be accomplished in a short amount of time. I found that his empathy for his student allows him to connect quickly and get to the heart of the matter.” –

“I’m amazed at what happens when a breakthrough occurs. There’s nothing like it. You helped me find the solution I believe God had in mind for me the entire time, without telling me outright. Wow! You really know what you’re doing and it’s been a real blessing to work with you. Thanks!” –

Through Shawn’s coaching, I dedicated myself to achieving a project management professional certification and moved to a new position where I now see many opportunities, with a 13% higher salary. I am grateful for Shawn’s coaching!

“I was in the process of not only job searching, but trying to step into a completely new career field, from a personal trainer to IT specialist. I had a hard time with the application process due to lack of experience, and it was tough getting any positive feedback about my resume. However, signing up for your weekly newsletter really gave me continuous motivation going into the week. I finally landed an interview with a tech company and they offered me a position the very next day! I just wanted to send a quick thank you and let you know that your words were a weekly encouragement to my efforts.”

“As the owner of a small business, I am often faced with difficult situations and need to make tough choices. Shawn is an invaluable resource by providing wise, mature counsel which I could never get from my employees or my peers in other businesses. His grasp of business strategy and biblical wisdom is astounding. But more than just being a guide and sounding board, Shawn has taught me a new, effective way to manage with my own emotions and “head trash” which have dogged me through my professional life. It is with the highest regard and deep gratitude that I recommend Shawn’s coaching to anyone who feels their career or life could use a tune-up”